Monday, June 24, 2019

Social Media

Oh social media, we are so embarrassing.

We have a platform where we can essentially say whatever we want, but that doesn't mean we should.

Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true?

Why do people spread false information, insults, hyped up emotional knee jerk reactions? Having the ability to respond publicly to something doesn't make it the right choice.

Can we exercise some self control? Can we think before we type? Can we speak from a place of peace and calm? Even if something is so wrong and warrants anger it doesn't have to be written to hurt and slander others.

How can we move forward on important issues when all we do is sling insults and false accusations back and forth?

The line between private thoughts and feelings and public knowledge has been blurred for too long here. I am proposing that if you come across information that elicits a strong emotional reaction ask yourself first, "If this was something happening between one of my closest friends/family would I air it for the whole world to see or respect the boundaries of our relationship and privacy?"

You aren't having a private conversation on Facebook status posts. It is public, and for some people more so than others depending on who you let see your posts. You have no clue how things will be received, and yes it is your responsibility to consider that when posting in a public place.

I'm not saying shy away from hard topics. By all means discuss, politely and intelligently, but the filth . . . the filth has to stop. Disagreeing does not warrant false nasty memes. Disagreeing does not warrant dragging an entire group of people through the mud based on the actions of some. It's just nonsense.

We hate bullying, but we share memes that slander people left and right. "The sooner we can sing this song the happier we'll be. The problem with the world is me." Check your own heart before you post. You can only control yourself, so do it.

Choose kindness. Choose truth. Choose to be helpful.

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