Monday, June 24, 2019

So Many Questions

Is my heart breaking for the innocent lives being taken via abortion? Absolutely.

Is my heart breaking for the women who are finding themselves in crisis situations that lead to this choice? Absolutely.

But my heart is also breaking over the way our country is handling it, and I'm not just talking about law makers and politicians. I'm talking about you and me. I'm talking about memes, posts, rants, insults, the circle we keep running in.

One thing is clear about abortion; it has shed light on so many broken systems in our country.

Health care, education, foster care, adoption, churches, the rich, the poor, people in general . . . and all the things I didn't list, because time.

My question is, can we create a world that supports a mom that wasn't ready and kid who will need a lot of support too? Yes. Yes we can. So why don't we?

Can we sacrifice our own comfort for the sake of another human being? Oh, God, I hope so.

Can we stop making this about ourselves? Can we start seeing the bigger picture of humanity? Can we accept that life is going to be hard eventually and we will lose some hopes and dreams? Can we walk along side each other while we face this?

And for the love, can we stop using other arguments to avoid this one?

Is the "right" asking women to have babies in hard situations? Yes. There is no getting around that one. Yes. We will not waver from the fact that this is an innocent life we are talking about. That is the one fact this boils down to for us.

But we also know there are painfully hard situations that fall outside of the realm of the responsibility of having sex, and in the midst of that is a woman. I will not pretend these decisions are easy. I have seen this decision made, and it was so painful for her. Is so painful for her.

I think we can prevent so many more abortions than we try to. I think we can love so many more men and women than we do. I think we all are guilty of choosing convenience over what is right.

We live in a country where we think pursuing happiness is the end all be all. The American dream trumps everything else. Want something, go after it. But life is not that simple and not that meaningless. We have more purpose to our life than simply seeing things play out the way we want them to. I get that is a hard thing to accept when you don't believe in something bigger than yourself, but believe it or not it's true. Yup, I just said something is absolutely true, gasp.

We have broken systems and hurting people in need of some attention right now. This doesn't require endless arguing online. It requires action. Get up, go out, and help someone.

And another thing . . .

I've talked with people I disagree with on this subject. They don't want more abortions. I don't think most people want more abortions. If they do, then okay something is wrong there, but let's take a step back. We want the same thing. We want lives to be saved and people to be cared for. So, let's. start. doing. it.

Educate people about sex and responsibilities. Educate people about abortions. Educate people about parenting. Educate people about self care and mental health. Educate people about hardships in life, hope, and moving forward. Educate people about the bigger picture. Educate people about money, greed, the needy, and how to help. Educate people about joy and grief and how the two can occur simultaneously. Educate people about people who are different from them and how they matter too. Educate people on kindness, empathy, compassion, understanding.

Fix the broken systems that are failing our children and parents. Support one another in navigating these broken systems, by giving financially or of your time to be there through it.

When the unimaginable happens and a choice is made, love. When it doesn't go the way you think it should, love. When you don't agree, love.

We know better, so we should do better. Right? Why is this so hard?!?!

Why are people unfriending each other on social media because they disagree? How is that a thing? Isn't our great country so great because so many ideas can exist here? So what, we are all just going to get our piece of the pie, fence ourselves in, and never speak to another human being that isn't exactly like us?

I'm emotional over this, because it all seems so wrong. The way we are going about doing this is leading no where. We are hurting each other in attempts to not hurt each other?

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