My two year old son comes up to me multiple times a day and softly says, "Mama, I want up." In the saddest whiny voice you've ever heard with his hands raised up high.
He did this just a few moments ago when I was flipping pancakes. So, I scooped him up and held him close. He wrapped his little body around my little body and held me so tightly. His head was resting firmly on my shoulder. He was still in his pajamas at the time, so it was an extra cozy hug.
The first thing that came to my mind was, "Oh my goodness he is just like me." I can remember wanting held or hugged by my parents all the time. It is like I have this affection meter, and when it is running low I get this pressure in my chest telling me to hug someone. I'm not joking. :) (I slept with a teddy bear through college, just to have something pressed up against my chest. Yup. Now you know.)
I snuggled my Benny and smiled, because I have plenty of hugs to give him. We can fill each other's needs for hugs any time. Well, until he is too cool for that, which I pray never happens.
Then my mind quickly wandered to this,
How much like this child am I to God? How often do I need my Savior to lift me up and fill my cup? (Way more often than my son needs a hug!) How often do I raise my hands to God, and say, "I need you."?
I'm a needy child, and my son reminded me of something very important. You see, kids know where their help comes from, without a doubt. When in need, they go to the source that has the answers. They call my name alll day. Yet, how often I forget that I have direct access to the most high who desires to take me into his arms and love me. All I have to do is raise my hands up and say, "Father, lift me up."
Which of course reminds me of so many of the Psalms, and I think I'll go read some while I sip my coffee.
Have a lovely day, everyone.
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