I hinted at this post in a previous one, and here it is.
One of many, I'm afraid. ;)
It's weighing heavily on my heart, and after multiple encouraging conversations over the past few weeks, I have decided to go there.
Faith is reality. It does not belong in a separate category from your everyday "practical" life. Faith is practical. Do you think a God who created people for a purpose wouldn't be involved in practical ways? Think again! He is not a distant observer who set things in motion and backed away. It doesn't work like that. We are not left to our own devices. Think I'm wrong? Look at scripture. Time and time again God was involved in the daily lives of His people throughout the old testament. And Jesus? It doesn't get more practical than living among us, showing us it can be done. Showing us it WILL be done. God's will is going to happen with you on board or not. God's will is going to happen against your own, and certainly in ways you don't expect it.
As Christians, too often we try to wear our faith as an accessory. "Oh, also, I have this in my purse . . . and when I need it I know right where to find it."
One of many, I'm afraid. ;)
It's weighing heavily on my heart, and after multiple encouraging conversations over the past few weeks, I have decided to go there.
Faith is reality. It does not belong in a separate category from your everyday "practical" life. Faith is practical. Do you think a God who created people for a purpose wouldn't be involved in practical ways? Think again! He is not a distant observer who set things in motion and backed away. It doesn't work like that. We are not left to our own devices. Think I'm wrong? Look at scripture. Time and time again God was involved in the daily lives of His people throughout the old testament. And Jesus? It doesn't get more practical than living among us, showing us it can be done. Showing us it WILL be done. God's will is going to happen with you on board or not. God's will is going to happen against your own, and certainly in ways you don't expect it.
As Christians, too often we try to wear our faith as an accessory. "Oh, also, I have this in my purse . . . and when I need it I know right where to find it."
Faith in Christ is not an accessory. It is a necessity. If you don't see your need for Christ daily, then you need to take a look at the Gospel, because it is clearly stated there. We NEED Christ. He isn't occasionally handy. He is NECESSARY. Bread and Water . . . He sustains us.
That isn't a cutsie thing to type on a pretty background and Pin. It's truth. It's reality.
Too often I have witnessed a disconnect with faith and reality. There is no disconnect. Life isn't happening in one hand while faith occupies another. Faith is reality. Scripture isn't a nice reference. It is the WORD OF GOD. It is God showing us who He is. You don't know a person by thinking about them. You know a person by them telling you and showing you. God does that. He intentionally had people write that stuff down too! Get in there! We don't get to decide or create God. It happened the other way around. He breathed us into existence. He fills our hearts with desires for HIM and His will.
I want to share some scripture that is coming to mind as I type, and forgive me. I am no theologian, but my hubby preached on this and could elaborate in much more depth than I can!
Matthew 18
Too often I have witnessed a disconnect with faith and reality. There is no disconnect. Life isn't happening in one hand while faith occupies another. Faith is reality. Scripture isn't a nice reference. It is the WORD OF GOD. It is God showing us who He is. You don't know a person by thinking about them. You know a person by them telling you and showing you. God does that. He intentionally had people write that stuff down too! Get in there! We don't get to decide or create God. It happened the other way around. He breathed us into existence. He fills our hearts with desires for HIM and His will.
I want to share some scripture that is coming to mind as I type, and forgive me. I am no theologian, but my hubby preached on this and could elaborate in much more depth than I can!
Matthew 18
Who Is the Greatest?
1At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” 2And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them3and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
5“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, 6but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin,a it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.
I have often asked myself, "What does it mean to have faith like a child? How does a child approach faith?" Children are like sponges, soaking up what they are told, taking people at their word. I think that is a huge part of this passage. A child would hear God speak and believe him. Adults, though! We tend to filter what we hear through our own point of view or the view of those we listen to the most, and the information can come out the other end one hot mess. BUT we still think we are right. I mean, obviously we are right. Right?
Well, Christ begs to differ here in Matthew. And what then when a "child" presents what they have received from God and they are shot down, which can happen in any number of ways? What if when they are ill received, for what God has called them to do, they ignore God for the sake of others? What then? Grab your millstone and head to the nearest body of water, people. No joke. Christ said that.
(Ironically, my husband and I were recently discussing this passage for a much different situation than the one that led me here to continue this post. This is a heavy passage, with serious implications for people today. End rabbit trail, perhaps to be explored more later.)
Believe and follow. That is what Christ asks of us, and as adults it is much easier said than done. I am well aware. This passage begs that we take a look at our faith. Do we take God at His word and follow? You can't have belief in God without following. It doesn't work. If you claim to believe Him, but throw out what you don't like or ignore what doesn't fit YOUR view of things, then I'm sorry, but you do not follow. Do you follow? Who do you follow?
The truth is there is truth. Yikes. That doesn't sit well with most people these days. Truth is not relative. Even if you think it is, doesn't make it so. It makes absolutely no sense for truth to be whatever you want it to be. Then no one would be wrong, ever. That doesn't sit well with people either. We want to be able to tell people they are wrong, but by whatever standard we make up. That just won't fly. I'm sorry, no.
Believe and follow. That is what Christ asks of us, and as adults it is much easier said than done. I am well aware. This passage begs that we take a look at our faith. Do we take God at His word and follow? You can't have belief in God without following. It doesn't work. If you claim to believe Him, but throw out what you don't like or ignore what doesn't fit YOUR view of things, then I'm sorry, but you do not follow. Do you follow? Who do you follow?
The truth is there is truth. Yikes. That doesn't sit well with most people these days. Truth is not relative. Even if you think it is, doesn't make it so. It makes absolutely no sense for truth to be whatever you want it to be. Then no one would be wrong, ever. That doesn't sit well with people either. We want to be able to tell people they are wrong, but by whatever standard we make up. That just won't fly. I'm sorry, no.
Truth exists. Faith is reality. It's real, folks, and has something to say about your life every day.
*twitch* Feel a disclaimer coming on: There are only about 1 million rabbit trails all of this can lead to. Probably just as many questions it leaves unanswered, or definitions incomplete. Don't take this as everything I'm thinking on the subject or all the content available. This is a limited blog post. Before you assume (or after), ask for clarification. I hate conflict as much as the next person, but especially unnecessary conflict. Communication, yo!
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