I was lying next to Ben in bed the other day just thinking about how slowly and yet how very quickly time goes by.
When you are caught up in every 2 hour feedings, loads of dirty diapers, and very little sleep time seems to go by very slowly. You count down the hours and minutes until you get to close your eyes for a few moments.
Then the next thing you know you are staring at your 5 month old while he coos and baas. Meanwhile your nearly 2 year old is expressing she doesn't want to do something and is telling you to get. You find yourself asking "How did I get here?" Time goes by so quickly.
Ben is eating cereal and bananas now. Libby is using her potty at least once a day. Ben sleeps through the night when he wants to. Libby is well behaved if she isn't tired or hungry. Ben giggles sooo much. He is generally a happy little dude, opposed to newborn Benny who showed off his temper more often than not. Squealing, giggling, and saying baa all the time. It's precious.
Libby sometimes asks to watch midgets on the tv . . . what she really wants is music. I laugh every time.
These two are way more fun than I could have imagined, and the sound of little ones laughing is the greatest thing I have ever heard. It warms my soul.
Life is good.
Tough some times, but seriously I've got the best family a girl could ask for. I love them to pieces.
Ben is growing out of six month clothing. Libby and I just bought her new shoes (again) yesterday. It doesn't slow down.
When Libby was a baby I never imagined forgetting the way her faced looked when she was a new born. Then when Benny came along I started remembering things I had forgotten. The day is jam packed with the daily grind of running around like a crazy person, and even if you do get 5 minutes to stare into your infant's eyes someday you will forget the way his lips look when he is concentrating so hard on something. Or the way his jaw was sunk back so far when he was a newborn and everyone laughed at his gaping mouth when he slept. Or that time when Libby made us crack up so hard at 3 months and we swore we would never forget that moment, and now . . . we think we know why we laughed.
(Libby is watching her morning tv and asked for "more narny" . . . so I played more, and she was like "No, no, no, no. New narny." That kid.)
oooo fun story.
Last night Libby woke up screaming at like 2 . . . and I was able to successfully pacify Ben, so Libby joined me in bed. We fell asleep, which rarely happens, because she usually can't get past the excitement of lying in bed with me. Then a couple hours later after we had woken up and settled back down I was startled back to full consciousness by a crash into plastic bags. Libby had rolled off the bed. So it's dark and I was out of it. I look over the edge and CANNOT see her. I'm just looking aimlessly and calling out her name, all the while the bags are rustling as she gets herself up. Then suddenly I see her little head appear at the edge of the bed and I scoop her up and cuddle her. Not a peep out of her. Nothing. She just laid back down and that was that. So I quietly chuckled as I thought about what had just happened, and of course put up a wall of pillows. Haha, poor baby. Well then we did not fall back asleep. Ben woke up a few minutes after 4, but was successfully pacified again. And around 5 Libby told me she needed to go potty, so we went pee pee on the potty. Which was promptly followed by a request for her reward. "Lollipop?" Sadly, I told her she had to wait until after breakfast. 5 am is a good time for breakfast then right? Wrong. Back to her crib. She went back down without any argument despite earlier telling me she didn't want to go to her crib. "ehhh mama's bed?" Well she woke up at 7, per usual, and promptly asked for breakfast. "Do you want to go see daddy real quick?" . . . "Nope. Brefest." We said hi to dad anyway and Ben was in there, since I had grabbed him an hour earlier for his first feeding of the day. So we had some family time in bed this morning. The kids were equally excited to see each other. It was adorable to watch them chat and grab at each other. Oh, my children.
Coffee is brewing . . . I must go now.
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