You live and learn as a mom. You make and throw out. You buy and regret. There are sooo many products and ideas out there, and you don't know what's going to work for you until you try. I don't mean what your children will like or what you think you want . . . I mean what you can tolerate when it comes down to the daily grind.
One of my absolutely least favorite most dreaded tasks as a mom is changing crib sheets. Oh my head ache. I HATE IT! Please let me lean over this crib with my tiny arms, drag this mattress out, take off the sheet/pad and replace it with another one that is sure to be covered in one of the bodily P's very soon and then replaced again.
and then there are crib bumpers
Every time I go at it like I'm actually going to be able to successfully remove the mattress and put it back without getting it stuck or completely messing up the bumpers. And every time I fail. I get frustrated. I think bad words. I say bad words. I want to rip those beautiful bumpers off and stomp on them. But Libby is probably watching . . .
So I asked myself, "Why on earth do I have bumpers on Ben's crib?" First of all, he hardly ever sleeps in it. Second, when he is awake he is typically vocal, so IF he gets his leg stuck he can cry about it. and Third, when he sleeps he sleeps still. Why the heck do I have bumpers?!?!?! They looked pretty, and were cute with Libby, but baby #2, um no way am I putting myself through this again!
So I asked myself, "Why on earth do I have bumpers on Ben's crib?" First of all, he hardly ever sleeps in it. Second, when he is awake he is typically vocal, so IF he gets his leg stuck he can cry about it. and Third, when he sleeps he sleeps still. Why the heck do I have bumpers?!?!?! They looked pretty, and were cute with Libby, but baby #2, um no way am I putting myself through this again!
They are under the crib right now, and I easily plopped that mattress back in the crib, no fuss. Just consulted pinterest on what I should do with them. Check these out!
Libby would LOVE this mat!!
need a new window treatments?
Hey, look! They match the bedding . . .
Or how about this?
Chew on that!
Well that's all for now. Just thought I would vent about crib bumpers. The things that keep me up at night . . . I tell ya . . .
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