Well hello.
The last time I wrote I was in the middle of some dark days. It got darker.
I'm finally coming to terms with the patterns in my life related to my mental health. I'm working on my tools to help me through it.
End of winter and early spring were really rough for me. I reached new lows. The hopelessness I was feeling was eye opening. I reached out.
I slowly started talking to people about it, and that helped tremendously. Saying out loud that I was struggling was a good start, but there was so much I wasn't saying. Still haven't said.
One night I was unraveling and I saw someone post about a wellness group. The general idea of it was something I knew I wanted to do and was considering venturing into on my own. The idea of a group setting and accountability where someone would care about me sounded so lovely. I didn't sign up, but I cried over wanting it.
I went to bed that night crying, and the next night. The posts kept showing up in my news feed and I thought and prayed over it. Finally I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't make things worse, so why not?
Why not . . .
I had no idea how badly I needed it. It had me in tears for days, and I realized that it was going to be a slow climb out of the pit I was in. It took me some time to realize that was okay. Slowly, steadily, graciously . . . and without this group I don't know how I would have done it. God appointed this in my life at that time. I know I say that all the time, but I don't believe in coincidences. I believe in the sovereignty of God. He knows what he's doing and he keeps us.
One month in this program has gone by and I'm excited for month two. I think someone out there needs it too, so I'm sharing about it.
Now when I say wellness program I'm not talking strict rules and unbearable tasks. This group is lead with such grace and understanding, you'll actually be able to enjoy making the changes. It covers Nutrition, Fitness, and Personal Growth. You'll receive meal plans, work outs, meditations, and affirmations, and what you do with it is up to you. The group is there to push you out of your comfort zone some and encourage you to take that step in the right direction. The guidelines are just that, guidelines. Make them work with your lifestyle, health restrictions, needs, abilities, etc.
I personally need to work on all of the areas this program covers. I can't do all of that at once. I know myself. I can't form that many habits at the same time, so for month one I focused mostly on nutrition and positive self talk. I'm ready to build on both of those and add regular work outs and meditation. I'm ready to dig deeper and flesh out some of the things I'm bottling up. I'm ready to ugly cry a lot if that's what it takes.
I'm grateful for the encouragement I received from the group and from Tracie Loux who leads it. She was so gentle and caring with me. I'm incredibly grateful for that. I was in a pretty delicate place when I started, and my experience couldn't have been better.
You don't have to share with the group, but you can. You can be silent and observe. You can encourage others when they share. You can tell your life story and where you are at now. It's up to you.
This is life. We struggle a lot and we can do it together. There is no shame or guilt in battling things in life or experiencing deep pain. We don't have to carry that around alone. We can love ourselves wherever we are at and work towards something better in many ways. Christ meets us where we are and guides us. He doesn't simply tell us to change and leave us to our own devices. That would be all sorts of pointless. He walks with me.
So, if you are looking for a safe place to make improvements in your life in the areas of Nutrition, Fitness, or Personal Growth I know of a place.
Check out more about the program and sign up here: http://thehealingbreath.org/just-breathe/
That's all for now. :)
Oh! And don't be turned off by the idea of someone you know (me) being in it. It's truly a safe place.
Love, Love, Love this! And you.