Original post:
I have a couple things I read from daily, and lately I have been insanely blessed by them. I mean they keep hitting the nail right on the head. I'll think about something all day, or even blog about it. Then the next thing I know I'm reading my daily devotion that mentions the exact same thing. I'm all, "God, I see what you did there."
Well today I thought I might share a part from my pocket devotional of God's promises. Today's was about daily going to God in prayer, or rather not going to God daily. Ugh, I'll just quote it, otherwise I'll butcher it trying to put it in my own words. This is by Jane Fryar, so thanks for the thoughts, Jane.
"Perhaps we see our Savior as a kind of divine insurance agent. We'll call on him for life's major crises, but we have decided not to "bother him" with the little details of daily living. If so, our relationship with him suffers.
Or perhaps we like to project an image of ourselves as "superwoman" at work, in our family and circle of friends, and even at church. Maybe that cloak has become so familiar, we wear it even into our heavenly Father's presence when we pray. If so, our relationship with him suffers.
. . .
Perhaps the most common reason for our prayerlessness is simply that we forget. Jesus' promises- promises greater than any others- simply fall off the radar of our busy lives. This, too gets in the way of the dynamic, growing relationship our Savior wants to have with us.
Awareness is the first step in overcoming roadblocks to both prayer and unshakable confidence in the promises of God."
Hmmm . . . good thoughts right?
Her ending prayer is nice too: "Lord, your promises are rich and wonderful! Forgive my faithlessness and fearfulness. Listen now as I cry out. You're my only help . . ."
(I added the bold, italics, and underlining . . . but for once that ellipsis was not mine!)
God has a lot to offer. Let's not forget that. So if times are hard, tap in to the wonderful promises God gives. Need a reminder? Get in His word, and pray that He will show you, because He will.
Quit relying on yourself, and all the things you do or try to do to get it right. God can do a whole lot better.
Also, don't think that if you have been absent from your relationship with God that he is waiting with a real good lashing to whip you back into shape. He's much more forgiving and gracious, just ask. Don't be afraid of how hard change might be in your life if that is what is to come. God's grace is more than enough to sustain you. His well never runs dry.
Which, of course, reminds me of a song.
Wait for it . . .
Hungry, I come to you
For I know You satisfy
I am empty, but I know
Your love does not run dry
So I wait for you
So I wait for You
I’m falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You’re all this heart is living for
Broken, I run to You
For Your arms are open wide
I am weary, but I know
Your touch restores my life
So I wait for you
So I wait for You
I’m falling on my knees
Offering all of me
Jesus, You’re all this heart is living for
Lyrics taken from this page
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