Monday, August 4, 2014

When Facebook statuses become blog posts.

Well I was going to babble on and on in my Facebook status, but decided not to.

My love for Facebook fades with each and every day. It's not even love. I haven't loved it in a long time. :)

My sister in-law informed me that she isn't on it as often as she used to. This marks the beginning of the end. I was telling myself I am keeping my FB for distant family, but the time is coming when I will use it only for free advertisement. :) I'm that friend.

Anyway the "status" that led me here . . .

 One of these days Sean is going to come home with the news that he is finally switching over to his 1st shift position. He accepted the position a couple months ago, but for 1009809852093850 reasons he hasn't switched over yet. Things move along slowly there . . . my biggest complaint about the place, truly.

We are about to enter a "normal" state of life. I will once again sleep at the same time as my husband. That's 8 (really like 5 or 6) more hours of time together. Sure we are sleeping, but don't take that time for granted! I did . . . and learned my lesson. Sleeping next to your hubby is a must even if he sounds like a fog horn. I would rather not sleep, next to him than not sleep, without him. :)

Ah yes. So much will change. Weekends will be spent actually together. Not him waking up half way through Saturday and then going to sleep right after lunch on Sunday. :( Boo. Getting Sundays back will be the best part. We can come home from church (or actually visit with people after church!) and eat lunch together, and play or nap or whatever we want to! As a family. AND he doesn't have to go to work Sunday night. Cannot wait.

Hopefully the whole house will sing to a different tune. Oh yay . . .

But until then we wait, and we do our thing. We're used to it. Even do it well some times. Except right now when I am most definitely supposed to be sleeping so that I am a happier mother to my children in the morning. Ships passing in the night (and early morning). So many families do it. People do what they have to do to get by, right?

So long as we don't use that "reality" to be dismissive. (yup still on that kick)

One thing I have learned when I am in need of encouragement is how better to recognize those who are in need of encouragement. I try so hard not to write people off. I know we can't all be deeply involved in each other's lives, but we aught to be involved outside our own in some capacity.

Ya know, it's funny, I'm sitting here babbling on as my brain falls asleep and I am reminded of how easy it is to see the struggles of people "like us", and yet it is just as easy to overlook the struggles of people who are "different than us" yet right in front of our face.

Take my family for instance. We all live in a house together, and yet we don't always connect well. Sometimes when you live with someone for so long you make assumptions instead of time for each other. You assume you know, or never stop to really consider what you do and don't know or what you may like to know. I might be getting too vague and confusing now. :) Basically, you get busy living life right next to each other, all the while thinking but not speaking as you go about the daily grind, and you forget to share. You forget to inform the others that you have thought about this or that, or you have come to this conclusion, or you feel yourself changing and growing in these ways. You don't share yourself. Your true self. You share your getting up and going down. You share your busy schedule or what TV shows you are watching, but not your life. Living with the people you live with can be the hardest, because you're not always intentional about sharing, and before you know it they don't know you and you don't know them.

If you go grab coffee with a friend so you can catch up, the intent is to share. It happens. That's why you are there. At home, you are there to live, be sheltered, find rest, eat food . . . but share life? Grow? Challenge? Invest? Talk? . . . those aren't implied. You have to make that happen intentionally. Not all people walk around like open books spewing thoughts and feelings. (Thank God) You have to invest time in each other. Care, and stop thinking only about yourself. Not gonna lie . . . hard to do when you are running around the house doing things you need to do. The focus is often on yourself or the task at hand, which in my case often involves my children. So my focus is often on chores or things I want to accomplish mixed with what my children want and need from me. It's always what's next, what's next.

My brain is trailing off . . . like gone . . .

And I've gone from I want off Facebook to let's all sit down for coffee and talk about our feelings . . . lol. I'm going to go to bed, without editing this. Just publishing. I'll go back for typos and spelling errors later. :) Night!

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