Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tell Your Money Where to Go

So right now I'm reminded of something Dave Ramsey says, and that is to tell your money where to go. Have a plan for every $1 you make. You control what you spend it on, and KNOW what you spend it on. Don't be surprised by how much you have left or how little you have left! No surprises when you have a steady job and can rely on a certain $ amount each week.

Be in control!!!

Why am I reminded of this? Well we have been following his advice about snow balling debt. We put our debts in order of amount starting with the lowest. When we pay the lowest off that payment is then tacked on to the next debt in line, so that you are paying extra. The cycle continues until you pay it all off and it goes quickly when you are paying so much extra than the minimum! Anyway . . . I was scheduling loan payments for the month and noticed one to AES was significantly lower this month. Just so happens that our lowest debt is through them so I always select to decide how much to pay on each loan individually. This way I can put extra on the smallest one. Well . . . the screen loaded and I noticed that they had it set up so that I wouldn't pay anything for my lowest loan . . . I guess because I've been paying extra, and they don't want me to pay it off sooner. I don't know why I was shocked by this, but I was.

I was like, "oh no you didn't" I'll be paying my usual extra on that one . . . arg!!

I want to call them bad names, but I'm trying to work on that.

Anyway . . . watch your loan payments. Make sure you are actually paying on each individual loan you have with any given lender. Sly little . . . mmmmmmmmm

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